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Turn Based: Command Line RPGLINK
Languages: Java
This project details my ability to create well designed and refactored object-oriented code. Showing my implementation of design patterns and well planned classes. It displays principals of inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction.
This is the first project I have worked on. I have learned a lot doing it and it has been a fun process. It's a text-based RPG game that consists of multiple character and enemy types. The user creates their team picking from multiple hero types then battle against different random enemies. Each hero and enemy type are equipped with different skills and attack patterns. The most challenging part of this project was implementing a status effect system that allows for damage over time and stunning statuses. This project has been on the back burner as of late. I am taking the time to learn other tools. I hope to come back soon and add a lot more functionality.
Key Features:
- Team Creation: Factories are used for both hero and enemy teams..
- Ability System: Created characters, enemies and heroes with actions and abilities.
- OOP principals: Implemented polymorphism and abstraction to create a robust combat system.
- Status System: Added status system for abilities keeping track of duration, damage and effect
- Continued Development: This is a work in progress and I plan to add to it over my time in school.
Banking App
LINKLanguages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
I've included this project because it displays DOM manipulation skills, CSS styling and dynamic data manipulation. This project implements Data Structures shown to the user and uses JavaScript to change the webpage based off that interaction.
This was a culmination project of my point so far in my journey as a JavaScript developer. There are a lot of different tools employed here that work together. This project employs DOM manipulation, dynamic styling, user classes among other techniques. The user must log in with correct credentials (see below) in order to access the hidden features of the banking service. From there they have access to their transactions, pulling loans, closing accounts and transferring money. There are also several timing features employed to auto log out the user and add a delay before loans are approved.
Key Features:
- Dom : Used JavaScript Dom manipulation to hide and display users bank transfers.
- Sorting: Users movements can be sorted with a button press
- Front-End: Used HTML and CSS for the user interface.
- Timing: Loan, error and account closures are all implemented using a timeout function.
- Login: user: jm pin: 1111 — user: jd pin: 2222
Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
This project displays well refactored object-oriented code done in JavaScript. This project also displays API incorporation, documentation usage and functional implementation.
This is an exercise location planning application. The user 'clicks' a location on the map then chooses a type of exercise (Running, Cycling or Hiking). The user then enters the different information associated with the workout and it is added to the map and workout queue. The code is organized and implement using ES6 classes. Along with the classes I have chosen to implement inheritance using ES6 classes inphase of prototype assignment. I have also used the built-in local storage implementation to store user workouts.
Key Features:
- App Logic: The exercise pane is controlled solely by JavaScript.
- User-interface: Users interact with the keyboard and mouse events are handled with JS.
- Storage: The localStorage object is used to store user data
- Styling: Implemented using CSS and visual changes are done through JavaScript.
My Website
Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
This website displays design, vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
This website has turned into my most cohesive project. It allows for easy access to the projects I have done in JavaScript. I have decided to stick with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS. There have been many iterations already and likely many more to come. I hope you like it.
Key Features:
- Projects: This is the platform I have chosen to display all my JavaScript projects
- Hosted: My website and code are all hosted on Amazon Web Services.
- Continued Development: This is something I am always adding to as I learn new skills.